| Biogz Index (Biographies) Clicking the appropriate button on the left of this page will take you to a short biography of most of the live performers to have played at the ballroom. The listing order is the same as used in many other publications and is described as follows: Solo artists will be listed by the first letter of their surname. Bands are listed by the first significant letter of their name, ignoring the prefixes 'The' or 'A' (for example, 'The Skids' will be found listed on the 'S' page rather than the 'T' Page. If the first term is a name, they will be listed by the first letter of the surname. Once you've marvelled at the diversity and quality of the artistes displayed and read the biogz, you may wish to visit the 'Gigz' pages. Alternatively, click any 'memory icon' ( If you can put any inaccuracies right, add to any existing text or offer any info on those acts I have been unable to find so far, please fill in a Feedback form and share the your knowledge. If, however you wish to search for the performers that appeared on a particular date or era Click Here |